Submission Guidelines
Deadline for Submission: 21 MARCH 2011 12:00PM AEST
- Abstracts should be submitted using the abstract template. Click here to download.
- Papers can only be presented by one presenter
- Authors should use Arial Font, Size 12
- Abstract title should be in BLOCK CAPITALS
- Authors names should be on the next line
- In case of more than one author please underline the name of the presenting author
- Do not include degrees or titles
- Authors' organizations/institutions should appear on the next line and should include the suburb/city, state and country of the organizations/institutions.
- Presenters will have a time slot of 10 minutes for their presentation; the committee recommends that presenters time their presentations for 7 -8 minutes so that there is time for questions.
Abstract Body Format -
Must be 250 words or less, exclusive of title, author(s) names, and institutional affiliation(s) and references. Please do not use abbreviations unless defined in the abstract. All submissions should be in Microsoft Word format
Content should include the following sections:
One or two sentences to introduce the topic/area of research and the rationale for the study
Provide a clear statement of the aims of the study. The hypothesis could be included in this section. It may also be appropriate to add references to cited literature here.
In this section include information on participants/subjects (e.g. number of participants, demographic information such as age and gender as well as the method of recruitment i.e. random sample or a convenient sample). Inclusion and exclusion criteria should be included in this section. Measures and procedures used in the study should be described in this section. Descriptions of analyses appear in the methods section.
The purpose of this section is to provide a description of the main findings of the study; commenting on potential future results unavailable at the time the abstract was submitted will not be acceptable. Submitted abstracts must include actual results. Results should be expressed as means or medians and the spread of the results indicated as ranges, standard deviations or 95% confidence intervals as appropriate. Probability values must be included, but are not sufficient of themselves without descriptive statistics (means, etc).
In this section you should provide statements of interpretation and implication of findings, as well as comparison with previous literature. It should not be a simple restatement of the results.
References will be included in the word limit. Authors are advised to keep references to a minimum and to use an abbreviated referencing system (i.e. First author et al., no title, year of publication, abbreviated journal title, volume, pages).
There are some cases where this format requires modification, although authors should try as best as possible to adapt their abstract to fit within these 4 headings. Narratives or theoretical discussions are usually not suitable for presentation as a poster or free paper given space and time constraints. Authors should consider submitting a topical session for consideration, if the proposed discourse would exceed the limits of a poster or free paper.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the abstract review committee within four weeks after the closing date. The CNSA Winter Congress is an opportunity for new researchers to present their findings, and the congress organising committee is eager to assist in the development research and education for Cancer Nurses.
All presenters must register for a minimum of one day of the Winter Congress by the Early Bird Deadline for registration (12 May 2011) or the presentation will be withdrawn from the program.