Breakfast Sessions
Breakfast Session 1 – “Launching mCRC:CARE to support nurses caring for patients with mCRC” – sponsored by Roche
Time: 0700 - 0815
Date: Friday 22 July
Maximum of 60 attendees
Breakfast Summary:
In Australia, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most frequently occurring cancer, with over 12,600 people diagnosed each year. Metastatic CRC (mCRC) is a major health concern due to its low survival rates and the significant impact it has on patients and their carers. Patients with mCRC experience specific challenges relating to their disease and report many unmet support needs during their cancer journey. CRC patients also face challenges due to the low public awareness about their disease. Patients may feel uncomfortable discussing their disease and lack the motivation to proactively reach out for support.
Through the education of nurses working in mCRC, a significant opportunity exists to support, empower and motivate mCRC patients. By up-skilling nurses working in the front-line of mCRC patient care, the aim is to maximise awareness and understanding of mCRC patient needs and, ultimately, to improve mCRC patient experiences, quality of life and satisfaction with care.
This not-to-miss breakfast session will launch mCRC:CARE, a new and exciting online educational resource designed specifically for all nurses working with mCRC patients. It comprises six educational modules that provide vital information and supportive care strategies to address the physical, psychological, social, and emotional needs of mCRC patients. The nationwide launch of this resource and its widespread use in the nursing community has the potential to contribute to increased awareness of specific mCRC patient needs, and thus, an improved patient experience.
Breakfast Session 2 - “Build your skills in Psychosexual Care for women with gynaecological cancer”
Sponsored by Cancer Australia: National Centre for Gynaecological Cancers and Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Time: 0700 - 0815
Date: Friday 22 July
Maximum of 50 attendees
Breakfast Summary:
Women with gynaecological cancer can experience significant sexual difficulties, yet information and support tailored for this area is often neglected or mis-timed. In this interactive session you will have the opportunity to review and apply evidence based approaches to management of some of the common psychosexual sequelae experienced by women with gynaecological cancer
Breakfast Session 3 - “Becoming Professional through Professional Becoming”: developing resilience in nurse patient relationships through reflective practice and action learning”
Sponsored by MSD
Time: 0715 - 0830
Date: Saturday 23 July
Speakers: Mr Michael Cooney and Professor Kate White
Maximum of 80 attendees
Breakfast Summary:
Cura te ipsum!
MSD invites you to this important CNSA breakfast seminar that explores the importance of ‘caring’ as a concept for
nurses as well as patients.
“The nature and consequences of caring for the person affected by cancer, compels those in professional caring roles, and those who lead and manage such services, to attend to the development of resilience and self-preservation to ensure the sustainability and quality of that nursing care and the spiritual safety of those professionals who provide it”
Mr Michael Cooney, Peter Macallum Cancer Institute Melbourne
7.15 Introduction by Chair Mr Michael Cooney
“Importance of assessment of both patients and nurses health and well being; The barriers to identification and strategies to overcome.”
7.25 Key Note Speaker 1, Mr Michael Cooney, “Burnout syndrome in Nurses.”
Encouraging nurses to invest in themselves. Research and evidence based resources to assist nurses in dealing with the pressure of their everyday job.
7.55 Key Note Speaker 2, Professor Kate White
Expectations put on patients for CINV for Moderate Emetogenic Chemotherapy. The language used with patients, and the gap between clinicians and patient perceptions of CINV.
QA Close
Breakfast Session 4 - “Meet the Experts”
Panel Members: Dr Marilyn Haas, Professor Leanne Monterosso and Ms Maryanne Hargraves
Moderator: Gabrielle Prest
Time: 0730 - 0830
Date: Saturday 23 July
Maximum of 50 attendees
Breakfast Summary:
This session provides an opportunity to discuss what some nursing leaders might have in their 'vision' of the opportunities and challenges of cancer nursing in clinical, service management and research contexts. The session is targeted for those in managerial, advanced practitioner or senior roles. It will be a Q&A format : let's consider issues such as how do we strategically manage change in the cancer arena , where the speed bumps are, and what is on the horizon.