Biomechanics in the Barossa
26 – 28 May 2016 - Novotel Barossa Valley Resort
In May, the Spine Society of Australia will hold the first of what is hoped will become an annual continuing education seminar for members and interested spinal surgeons. To be held in the Barossa Valley, the first seminar will focus on clinical Spinal Biomechanics.
LifeHealthcare will sponsor this year’s seminar featuring two world authorities in Spinal Biomechanics: Professor Avinash Patwardhan from Chicago, USA and Professor Hans Joachim Wilke from Ulm, Germany. The faculty will also include Australian leaders in the field of Clinical Biomechanics.
The program will explore the Biomechanics of the spinal column from a surgical perspective. Clinical case studies will be used to introduce fundamentals of implant properties, construct mechanics, kinematics, instability, dynamic stabilisation and balance. The types, role and limitations of In vitro Biomechanical testing and finite element analysis will also be explored.
Thank you to our sponsor:
SSABM2016 Convenors
Dr Bill Sears
Dr Peter McCombe