Please click below for session outlines and confirmed speakers -
Concurrent Sessions 1 - Monday 21 October 2019, 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm
Concurrent Sessions 2 – Tuesday 22 October 2019, 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm
Concurrent Sessions 3 – Wednesday 23 October 2019, 11.00 am - 12.30 pm
Concurrent Sessions 1 - Monday 21 October 2019, 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm
Workshop: OI - Osseointegration & TMR - Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Bionic Limb Integrates to Bone, Nerves and Muscles. OI & TMR Past, Present and Future.
Workshop Facilitator / Chair: Mr Steven Gray, Advanced Surgical Amputation Programme (A.S.A.P), Alfred Hospital Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Mr Steven Gray, Alfred Hospital Melbourne, VIC
Mr Frank Bruscino-Raiola, Alfred Hospital, VIC
Dr Tom Hale- Epworth Healthcare, VIC
Mr David Lee- Gow, ProMotion Prosthetics, VIC
Ms Abby Hutchison, Epworth Healthcare, VIC
Workshop Summary
Limb amputations results in a major disability. Pain, prosthetic retention and function remains a major problem together with the psychological impact on the individual.
The Alfred hospital in Melbourne has a long history in dealing with amputees, with the first limb osseointegration in Australia performed in 2000.
A multidisciplinary approach that brings experts from different areas together is crucial to deliver the best possible results. In 2014 we set up an advanced surgical and rehabilitation programme that addresses problems faced by amputees. At the core of its service are the techniques of Osseointegration, Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR) and soft tissue reconstruction. Osseointegration using the O.P.R.A system deals with the issues of retention and eliminates sockets and their related problems. Targeted muscle reinnervation and neurotization techniques are used to improve myoelectric control and more recently used to improve pain. Soft tissue reconstruction techniques are vitally important in dealing with the metal soft tissue interface. The workshop will address and provide an overview of the Alfred experience, the current work and future directions with our Surgical and Rehabilitation A.S.A.P Programme.
Workshop: The future of Music Therapy: Implications of a Virtual Reality program at the Royal Adelaide Hospital
Workshop Facilitator: Ms Tanya Marie Silveira, University of Melbourne, VIC
Ms Tanya Marie Silveira, University of Melbourne, VIC
Dr Patsy Tan, University of Adelaide & Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA
Mr Steve Cook, University of Adelaide, SA
Workshop Summary
The purpose of this workshop is to widen the knowledge of innovative approaches to neurorehabilitation. The primary focus of this workshop is to provide experiential education about the multifaceted benefits of music therapy and virtual reality in physical rehabilitation.
This workshop will also discuss the development of a music therapy / Virtual Reality program. In September 2018, the Hospital Research Foundation and University of Adelaide supported the development of a music therapy program at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH). As a preliminary trial, this program sought to investigate the effect of music therapy on stress, anxiety, depression and perception of pain, thus employing a holistic approach to the patients’ overall care. The hypotheses of this preliminary trial state that; (1) positive feelings lead to less pain perception and (2) engagement in this program will increase compliance to medical treatment.
Delegates will be encouraged to consider the value of establishing music therapy in the medical setting. The benefits of incorporating Virtual Reality to existing music therapy practice for the enhancement of service delivery will also be discussed. Delegates will also be given the opportunity to experience the Virtual Reality technology in this workshop, and explore its possibilities in rehabilitation.
Free Paper Session 1: Specialised Rehabilitation Services
- Professor Mary Galea, University of Melbourne, VIC: Peripheral nerve abnormalities proximal and distal to the site of spinal cord injury
- A/Professor Lynley Bradnam, University of Auckland, New Zealand: Self-reported physical activity, sedentary behaviours and barriers to exercise in people living with dystonia
- Dr William Lu, The Osseointegration Group of Australia, NSW: The latest advancements in osseointegrated reconstruction of amputees
- Dr Kisani Manuel, Flinders Medical Centre, SA: State of cancer rehabilitation in Australia and New Zealand
- Miss Karlee Naumann, University of South Australia, SA: Analysis of a novel SCUBA therapy based service for people living with disabilities
- Miss Kritika Satija, Auckland District Health Board, New Zealand: Rethinking cardiac rehabilitation
- A/Prof Jillian Clark, University of Adelaide, SA: Study protocol for a data linkage model for the South Australian Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Register
Free Paper Session 2: Rehabilitation Service and Delivery
- A/Professor Steven Faux, St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, NSW: Mapping the relationship between the availability of outpatient services and rehabilitation length of stay in NSW/ACT hospitals for stroke and hip fracture – preliminary results
- Dr Elizabeth Lynch, University of Adelaide, SA: Is access to inpatient rehabilitation after stroke associated with readmissions, death and quality of life?
- Dr Jane Wu, St Vincent's Hospital, NSW: Can in-reach multidisciplinary rehabilitation in the acute ward improve outcomes for critical care survivors? A pilot randomised controlled trial
- Dr Kathy Stiller, Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA: Does health-related quality of life improve as a result of rehabilitation in the home services?
- Dr Elizabeth Lynch, University of Adelaide, SA: Using codesign in inpatient rehabilitation to develop strategies to implement the 2017 Stroke Clinical Guidelines
- Dr Jane Wu, St Vincent's Hospital, NSW: Evaluation of a new screening process to identify patients for inpatient rehabilitation interventions during an acute hospital admission
- Dr Shaopeng Wu, Flinders Medical Centre, SA: Assessing functional change post hip fracture in nursing homes residents who receive “home rehabilitation”
Concurrent Sessions 2 – Tuesday 22 October 2019, 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm
Workshop: The Clinical Applications of Non-invasive brain stimulation: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Workshop Facilitator: Dr Brenton Hordacre, Body in Mind, SA
Dr Brenton Hordacre, Body in Mind, SA
A/Professor Lynley Bradnam, University of Auckland, NZ
A/Professor Sebastian Doeltgen, Flinders University, SA
Workshop Summary
Non-invasive brain stimulation is increasingly being used for assessment and treatment for a range of neurological and psychiatric disorders in the clinical setting. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can determine the integrity of the corticospinal tract following stroke and is considered a vital step in establishing the potential for functional recovery of upper and lower limb function. There is also some support for the use of repetitive TMS and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) as adjuvants to rehabilitation for a range stroke-related of impairments such as walking, reaching and swallowing. This workshop will present the evidence for integrating TMS into stroke assessment and recovery prediction using an established algorithm (Predict Recovery Potential, PREP-2) and provide a practical demonstration of the application of TMS to probe corticospinal tract integrity. The current evidence for non-invasive brain stimulation as a treatment adjuvant will be summarized in a critical review to establish the current state of play, major gaps in knowledge and recommendations for future research needed to facilitate translation into routine clinical practice.
Free Paper Session 3: Complex Illness and Trauma
- Professor Ian Cameron, University of Sydney, NSW: Pain severity over 12 months following non-catastrophic injury sustained in a road traffic crash: psychosocial factors are dominant predictors
- Dr Tim Geraghty, Princess Alexandra Hospital, QLD: Access traits as predictors of outcome after complex injury
- Ms Andrea Grima, Royal Melbourne Hospital, VIC: Uptake of the ‘My Gym’ program and perceptions of independent exercise in a neurological rehabilitation population: a mixed methods study
- Dr Sabine Hennel, Monash Children's Hospital, VIC: Empowering adolescents with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - feasibility of a short chronic fatigue self-management program
- Mr Dhruv Jhunjhnuwala, University of New South Wales, NSW: Predictors of ambulatory improvement in advanced subacute combined degeneration: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Dr Nigel Quadros, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, SA: Can SARC-F be used as a screening tool for Sarcopenia in aging polio survivors? A report from South Australian Polio Study
- Dr Christine Shiner, St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, NSW: Assessing unmet rehabilitation needs and the feasibility of a novel telerehabilitation service for patients following road trauma
Free Paper Session 4: Stroke Rehabilitation
- Ms Langduo Chen, Flinders Medical Centre, SA: Challenges and opportunities in hospital to home transition care for stroke survivors and carers
- Ms Laura Jolliffe, La Trobe University, VIC: Feasibility and benefit of an upper limb implementation package in stroke rehabilitation
- Miss Bridee Neibling, James Cook University, QLD: Perseverance with technology-facilitated home-based upper limb rehabilitation after stroke: A systematic literature review
- Professor John Olver, Epworth HealthCare, VIC: Surveillance of continuing post stroke sequelae using the post stroke checklist: A global insight
- Ms Nicole Prideaux, SA Health, SA: An algorithm guiding clinical decision-making for transition of locomotor therapy between Lokomat® and Body-weight supported treadmill training in patients with subacute stroke
- Ms Tanya Silveira, University of Melbourne, VIC: Functional Electrical Stimulation+iPad-based music therapy: A novel approach to upper limb rehabilitation after stroke
- Professor Mary Galea, University of Melbourne, VIC: Translingual nerve stimulation improves gait and balance in stroke survivors: A pilot randomised controlled trial
Concurrent Sessions 3 – Wednesday 23 October 2019, 11.00 am - 12.30 pm
Workshop: Preventing the next fracture
Workshop Facilitator: A/Professor Geoff Murray, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD), NSW
A/Professor Geoff Murray, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD), NSW
Professor Ian Cameron, University of Sydney, NSW
Workshop Summary
The Dubbo study showed that patients who have had minimal trauma fractures (MTF) have 2 to 3 times greater risk of secondary MTF, and if they have osteoporosis their relative risk of death is 1.7 for women and 2.7 for men. A Newcastle study showed that a 40% reduction in major secondary MTFs can be achieved. Stroke and older amputee patients have more than double the risk of hip fracture. Rehabilitation physicians have both opportunity and responsibility to reduce future risk of primary and secondary fractures in their patients.
This workshop will present a protocol for assessing
- whether falls are truly mechanical
- how patients fall
- degree of trauma if a fracture has occurred
- whether the fracture could be pathological
- future falls risk focusing on key aspects of history and physical examination
- future fracture risk focusing on when to investigate for secondary causes for osteoporosis, interpretation of DXA scans, when to order DXA vertebral fracture assessments and the use of fracture risk assessment tools (FRAX and Garvan)
This workshop will present some typical cases as a means of providing participants with practical tips on managing future falls risk, treating fracture risk, maximizing adherence to treatment and monitoring its efficacy.
Free Paper Session 5: Botulinum Toxin in Rehabilitation
- A/Professor Natasha Lannin, La Trobe University, VIC: Does the addition of an evidence-based motor training to botulinum toxin injections improve functional outcomes in stroke survivors with spasticity? Findings from the InTENSE Clinical Trial
- Dr Subbuh Choudhry, Flinders Medical Centre, SA: Goal attainment and gait changes after injection of botulinum toxin-A for lower limb spasticity
- Dr Yan Chow, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, VIC: Focal Spasticity management with botulinum toxin in cerebral palsy patients at St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne
- Dr. Alberto Esquenazi, MossRehab, USA: OnabotulinumtoxinA treatment for spasticity reduces disability outcomes in treatment-naïve patients and reduces caregiver burden: Results from the aspire study
- Dr. Alberto Esquenazi, MossRehab, USA: Clinical characteristics that impact OnabotulinumtoxinA treatment adherence in patients with spasticity from ASPIRE
- Dr Simon Paget, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, NSW: The New South Wales Botulinum Toxin A Transition Project part 1: The future needs of young people
- Dr Simon Paget, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, NSW: The New South Wales Botulinum Toxin A Transition Project part 2: Clinician experience of transition
Free Paper Session 6: Neurological Rehabilitation
- Dr Simon Paget, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, NSW: English-language media representation of selective dorsal rhizotomy for cerebral palsy
- A/Professor Margit Alt Murphy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden: Arm impairment, walking ability and speed predict real-life activity of the affected arm and leg
- Mrs Kate Dawes, South Australian Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service, SA: Life altering effects on children when a family member has an acquired brain injury; a qualitative exploration of child and family perceptions
- Dr Adeline Hodgkinson, Liverpool Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit, NSW: Identifying the clinical, legal and ethical issues in the treatment of Prolonged Disorders Of Consciousness (PDOC) in rehabilitation inpatient settings: A case history approach
- Dr Mandy Nielsen, Princess Alexandra Hospital, QLD: Weaving research with practice: Evaluating a new acquired brain injury service for better transition outcomes
- A/Professor Nicholas Opie, University of Melbourne, VIC: Stimulation with a minimally invasive neural interface
- A/Professor Natasha Lannin, La Trobe University, VIC: Cost-efficiency of inpatient rehabilitation following acquired brain injury. A first Australian adaptation of the UK approach