Shed tours will run on Sunday 18 October 2015 after the Breakfast at Fort Scratchley. The tours are included in the registration fee for delegates. Additional guest tickets will be available.
Click on a tour for more information
Stop 1: Raymond Terrace Men's Shed
Stop 2: Salamander Bay Men's Shed
Stop 3: Fighter World
Stop 1: Swansea Men's Shed
Stop 2: Windale Men's Shed
Stop 3: Lost in the 50's Car Museum
Stop 1: Maitland Men's Shed
Stop 2: Cessnock Men's Shed & Community Garden
Stop 3: Hunter Valley Gardens
For further information please contact the Secretariat: DC Conferences Pty Ltd
Suite 103, Lvl 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 | PO Box 637, North Sydney NSW 2059 | P: 612 9954 4400 | F: 612 9954 0666 | E: