IMPORTANT Note Regarding Oral and Data Blitz Presentation:
When preparing for the conference, presenting authors of oral and data blitz presentations can assume background knowledge on frontotemporal dementia and related conditions. In order to maximise use of time and dynamism of presentations, the committee recommends that broad introductory slides be avoided.
Oral Presentation
Presenters will be given a total of 15 minutes, comprised of a 12 minute presentation with 3 minute Q&A. It is important that you strictly adhere to the stipulated times to ensure that our program runs to time.
Presenters are encouraged to use their own PowerPoint template, however a conference template will be available should you require this. Please ensure your PowerPoint template is set to 16:9 ratio.
Data Blitz Presentation & Poster
Selected poster preseters will be given 2 minutes as an oral presentation to advertise their work and entice delegates to visit their poster presentation.
This type of presentations will offer a fast-paced overview of some of the most exciting research presented at this year’s poster sessions.
The goal of the Data Blitz presentation should NOT be to present complete data, but to advertise one’s work and to entice delegates to visit their poster presentation for further discussions.
Given the strict time limitation for the Data Blitz, presenters should prepare NO MORE THAN TWO PowerPoint slides. Therefore, some presenters may either select one major result of their study or some may elect to introduce their study and methods only, and encourage others to visit their poster to discover and discuss the results.
Presenters are encouraged to use their own PowerPoint template, however a conference template will be available should you require this. Please ensure your PowerPoint template is set to 16:9 ratio.
Click here to view the ICC Speaker and Presentation upload guidlelines.
The deadline for abstract submisson has now passed, any abstract re-submission is not permitted.