On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AusACPDM) it gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend our 8th Biennial Scientific Conference to be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia 30 March - 2 April 2016.
AusACPDM is committed to advancing understanding and awareness of evidence based practice in the field of childhood physical disability and is the key industry touch point for the community.
The AusACPDM Scientific Conference provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, a chance to network with like-minded colleagues and friends as well as the opportunity to discuss the latest research findings and advances.
I look forward to welcoming you to the AusACPDM 8th Biennial Scientific Conference 2016 where you will be encouraged to share, discuss, develop and reflect whilst also sampling the delights of beautiful Adelaide
Dr James Rice, Conference Convenor
For further information please contact the AusACPDM Secretariat: DC Conferences Pty Ltd
Suite 103 | Level 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia | PO Box 637 North Sydney 2059
P 612 9954 4400 | F 612 9954 0666 | E ausacpdm2016@dccam.com.au | W www.dccam.com.au/ausacpdm2016