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2020 Australian Pain Society 40th Annual Scientific Meeting

2020 Australian Pain Society 40th Annual Scientific MeetingIn the IASP Global Year for the Prevention of Pain5 - 8 April 2020 | Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart TAS

Program Overview

Program now available

Download Program Here

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If printing, please select A3 paper.

* Program subject to change 

Visit the following links for more information on APS 2020:

Keynote Speakers - Read the biographies of the 3 international keynote speakers, and national plenary speakers

Pre-Conference Workshops - 8 workshops available!  

Topical Sessions - An outline of each topical session included in the program

Trainee Session - Pick the Brain of a Pain Researcher!

Free Paper Sessions - An outline of each free paper session included in the program

Discipline Sub Group Meetings - This is your chance to share information and promote discussion within your pain discipline at the conference in Hobart.

Social Sessions - Make sure you find time to do some networking!