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2020 Australian Pain Society 40th Annual Scientific Meeting

2020 Australian Pain Society 40th Annual Scientific MeetingIn the IASP Global Year for the Prevention of Pain5 - 8 April 2020 | Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart TAS

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submissions are now closed


Experimental Studies and Clinical Trials Abstract Portal


Clinical Practice and Service Delivery Abstract Portal


 Case Reports Abstract Portal

 The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) and the Local Organising Committee (LOC) invites the submission of abstracts on original work. Abstracts can be submitted for consideration for an oral or a poster presentation You will be asked to identify all co-authors, but the presenting author should submit the abstract. Presenting authors must be paid registrants at the ASM. All abstracts must be submitted online via the conference website using the online submission form/portal.

 Abstract Submission Key Dates

Abstract submission opens

Thursday 1 August 2019

Abstract submission closes


Wednesday 6 November 2019

Notification of acceptance

November 2019

Presenter registration deadline

Friday 19 February 2020

 Categories for Abstract Submission

Experimental Studies (Clinical Studies, Basic Science, Public Health) and Clinical Trials
For further information, an abstract template and the submission portal please click here

Clinical Practice & Service Delivery (Poster Only)
For further information, an abstract template and the submission portal please click here

Case Reports (Poster Only)
For further information, an abstract template and the submission portal please click here

General Instructions 

  • Only online abstracts will be accepted.
  • Abstract TITLE should be in BLOCK CAPITALS
  • Authors’ names should be on the next line
  • Submitting author must be the person who will be presenting the paper at the conference, substitutes will not be accepted
  • Submitting author accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of all content
  • Submitting author assures that the manuscript is an original work that has not been previously published
  • In case of more than one author please underline the name of the presenting author
  • Do not include degrees, post-nomials, or titles
  • Authors’ organisations/institutions should appear on the next line and should include the suburb/city, state and country of the organisations/institutions
  • Authors should state the word count at the end of the abstract
  • Free Communications Presenters will have a time slot of 9 minutes for their presentation, followed by 3 minutes for questions
  • Poster Presenters will be required to attend their poster during the scheduled poster walk around sessions. 


  • Research shouldn’t already be published or have been presented at another conference
  • If the abstract has been presented before, it needs to include some new and original elements 
  • The data that will be presented at the meeting needs to be consistent with what was included in the submitted abstract. It is understood some progress may have been made between the abstract submission and presenting the content at the conference, however if the data is new or unrelated to the original abstract the SPC must be consulted prior to presentation

Abstract Body Format

  • Must be 500 words or less, inclusive of title, author(s) names, and institutional affiliation(s) and references.
  • Please do not use abbreviations unless defined in the abstract. 
  • Care should be taken to ensure high quality English expression and grammar. 
  • All submissions should be in Microsoft Word format.

 Rapid Communication Sessions

Experimental Studies and Clinical Trial poster presenters may be offered an opportunity to present their posters in a 90 second rapid communication session. Authors of accepted abstracts will receive information regarding the processes involved in a rapid communication prior to the meeting. Please indicate on your submission if you wish to be considered for the Rapid Communication Session.

Prize for the Best Paper and the Best Poster

The prize for the best paper will be $2000 and for the best poster $500. Assessment will be based on content and presentation. The judges will be appointed by the Scientific Program Committee and their decision will be final. The awards will be presented in the Closing Plenary of the ASM.

EOI for Travel Grant Applications - APS Members only

Delegates wishing to apply for a travel grant must be the major contributor and submitting author of the abstract. Only delegates who have ticked 'yes' to the Travel Grant section of the abstract submission process AND completed the associated application form will be considered. For further information on the seperate Travel Grant Application Form process and to ensure you meet the terms and conditions please click here.

For further information please contact the APS Conference Secretariat
DC Conferences Pty Ltd

P: 02 9954 4400
