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2020 Australian Pain Society 40th Annual Scientific Meeting

2020 Australian Pain Society 40th Annual Scientific MeetingIn the IASP Global Year for the Prevention of Pain5 - 8 April 2020 | Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart TAS

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Once again, both hard and soft copy posters will be displayed. Please read through the information below carefully and ensure you complete all tasks by the allocated deadline.

Poster Numbers

Poster number allocation TBC after 19 February 2020.

Hard Copy Posters

Posters are to be in-place by 10.15 am on Monday 6 April 2020 and will be displayed for the duration of the conference in the exhibition hall, Federation Ballroom at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart.

Hard copy posters should be printed in “AO Portrait” (1,189mm high x 841mm wide). Presenters are required to bring their own hook-and-loop velcro for attachment to the board (double sided tape or blu tac are not suitable).

Poster walk around sessions will take place during the lunch breaks on both Monday or Tuesday of the conference. Your poster will be allocated a day by mid-February. During these sessions, hard copy posters will be judged, please stand by your poster should delegates or the judges have any questions with regards to your research.

Digital Poster

Your poster will also be displayed electronically. Digital posters will allow easy, online upload of your poster file (ppt, pptx, pdf or png) and conversion into a format that will allow perusal online via the APS 2020 Digital Poster website and conference app.

You will receive an email on Wednesday 15 January 2020 from Paperless Events. The team at Paperless Events will be managing all digital poster submissions. The email you will receive from them will contain the online submission link as well as your unique login details. Once you have received the information you can login and submit your poster. For reference, the email address from which you will receive the login information is

All digital poster files must be submitted online via the submission link sent by Paperless Events by 5.00pm AEST Monday 30 March 2020. Any submissions received after this deadline will not be confirmed. If you have any questions relating to your digital poster submission, please contact the help desk on

Poster Format: #betterposter


Most conferences and ASM’s use the same, old, wall-of-text poster design. We know, we’ve been doing it too!


This year, the APS wants to try to improve the efficiency of the transfer of knowledge at their ASM, by encouraging authors to use the #betterposter format.


Traditional, wall-of-text posters make delegates search for the main finding. The aim of the #betterposter template is to make sharing the main findings of each poster easier.


For an interesting video that explains what a #betterposter is, please watch this video: How to create a better research poster in less time

If you choose to use this format, please note:

  • Poster’s still need to be printed in AO Portrait. To download the template please click here
  • The main colour of your poster is up to you. Colours haven’t been allocated to a certain abstract type or theme this year
  • QR Codes: If you choose to include one on your poster, a unique code can be downloaded from the digital poster portal


All presenters must register by the early bird registration deadline of Wednesday 19 February 2020, for their presentation to be included in the program.

A personalised registration link has been sent to all free paper presenters. If you cannot find this link you can also just register here

A reminder no funding or discounted registrations are available for submitted abstracts authors.

Please note, even if you choose to only display an electronic copy of your poster you must still register and attend at least one day of the conference.

Local Printing Company

If you wish to get your poster printed and delivered to the venue you can do so through Snap Print & Design:
P: +613 6224 5377

The cost is AU$44.00 per poster inc GST (The retail ‘one off’ price is $110.00 inc GST so APS 2020 delegates are being offered a great discount). Posters will be printed on very high quality 200 GSM matt silk art paper.

To take advantage of this offer please ensure you complete the following:

  • Email with your A0 sized PDF poster in a format ready to print (there are additional charges if the files are not print ready). Your email must include:
    • Reference to "APS 2020"
    • Presenter’s name, address and contact number and email (for invoicing purposes)
  • Email your PDF print ready document for printing by Monday 30 March 2020.

All posters can be collected at the registration desk from Sunday morning. It is still the author's individual responsibility to collect and properly display their posters.

Social Media

The APS have a strong online following. Join us online!

Twitter account: @AusPainSoc
Facebook account:
Conference and Society hashtag: #AusPainSoc

We will be tweeting updates about the conference so make sure to follow us and please feel free to retweet our messages or tweet in advance about your own involvement in the conference.

Suggested tweet: I am speaking at APS2020! Join me and @AusPainSoc in Hobart 5 – 8 April 2020. Register before the early bird deadline, 19 Feb #AusPainSoc

Poster Prize

The Australian Pain Society will offer a prize of $500 for the best poster. The winner will be announced on the last day of the Scientific Meeting, on Wednesday 8 April 2020. Please note, only hard copy posters will be judged and considered for the prize.


If you have any questions, or can no longer present your poster please contact the APS 2020 Conference Secretariat via