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2019 Australian Pain Society 39th Annual Scientific Meeting

2019 Australian Pain Society 39th Annual Scientific MeetingIn the IASP Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable7 - 10 April 2019 | Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, QLD

Topical Session Submissions

Topical Session Submissions are now open!

 Topical Session Submission form  

Topical Session Submission Key Dates

Topical Session submission opens Wednesday 11 July 2018
Topical Session submission closes Friday 12 October 2018
Notification of acceptance November 2018
Presenter registration deadline Friday 22 February 2019            

Instructions to submit a topical session for inclusion in the Scientific Program:

  • The nominated chair of the topical session will be responsible for collating and submitting all material for the topical session and for all communication with the Conference Secretariat.
  • The submission must be accompanied by a topical session summary, which will include:
    • Discussion of Topical Session content (maximum 200 words)
    • Target audience
    • Four (4) key learning objectives
  • Topical sessions that include speakers from varied institutions will be given preference over submissions that include speakers from a single institution. 
  • Topical sessions will be allocated 90 minutes within the conference program and should involve the Chair plus a maximum of three presenters. 
  • The Chair will nominate the speakers and the titles for each presentation in the session. 
  • Individual abstracts from presenters are not required. 
  • The Chair will complete the topical session application form online via the website, giving names, contact details and short biographies of all presenters in the session.
  • The Conference Secretariat and the APS SPC will be responsible for reviewing the applications for all topical sessions. 
  • Notification of acceptance or otherwise will be made in November 2018.

All presenters and chairs must register for a minimum of one day of the conference by the Early Bird Registration Deadline Friday 22 February 2019, or the Topical Session will be withdrawn from the program.

There is no funding or discounted registrations available for submitted topical sessions.