*Abstract Submission Now Closed*
Abstract Submission Opens: 14 February 2017
Submission Deadline: EXTENDED to Friday, 14 July 2017
Review Outcome Email Notification: REVISED to Friday 8 September 2017
Abstracts should be submitted using the abstract template. Click here to download.
Call for Abstracts
On behalf of the Australian & New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZSCoS), the organising committee would like to call for abstracts for the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of ANZSCoS, to be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane from 15-17 November 2017.
Submitted abstracts must represent original work, which has either not been published or only published within the last year. The Review Committee will select abstracts for oral or poster presentation unless the author indicates a specific preference for poster presentation. Poster Presenters may also be given the opportunity to have a Rapid Poster Presentation in the Conference Program.
Oral Presentations: will be for 15 minutes. This is inclusive of 5 minutes question and answer time.
Posters: hard copy posters should be printed in “AO Portrait” (1,189mm high x 841mm wide). Presenters are required to bring their own hook-and-loop velcro (both sides of velcro) for attachment to the board (double sided tape or blu tac are not as strong as velcro). It is the author's responsibility to provide the velcro as there will be none available onsite.
Abstracts relating to the conference theme of: "Building Bridges'' and focussing on the following key areas as outlined below will be given preference for inclusion in the program.
Submissions on other topics representing spinal cord injury will be also be considered under the free paper category
Review Process
All abstracts will be reviewed by the ANZSCoS 2017 Scientific Review Committee within a few weeks of the closing date. Updates will be communicated by the Conference Secretariat. Some abstracts will need to be amended and you may be asked by the Review Committee to submit these changes. It is the intention of the Review Committee to use the amendment process to assist authors to improve the value of their abstract.
All presenters must register for a minimum of one day of the conference by the Early Bird Deadline for registration (Friday 6 October 2017) or the presentation will be withdrawn from the program.
Formatting Requirements
Abstracts should be submitted using the abstract template provided and submitted online by Friday, 14 July 2017
• Should be 250 words or less, exclusive of title, author(s) names, and institutional affiliation(s)
• All submissions should be in Microsoft Word
• Abstracts should fit onto a single A4 page
• Please use 11pt Arial font
• Abstract title should be in BLOCK CAPITALS
• Authors’ names should be on the next line
• In case of more than one author please underline the name of the presenting author
• Do not include degrees or titles
• Authors’ organisations/institutions should include the suburb/city, state and country of the organisations/institutions
• Please do not use abbreviations unless defined in the abstract
• Care should be taken to ensure high quality English expression and grammar
• Please DO NOT include any tables, graphs or images with your abstract(s)
Abstracts should use the following layout as a guide, if unsure about the layout of your abstract, please contact the ANZSCoS secretariat.
Submitted abstracts can be edited any time prior to submission deadline on Friday, 14 July 2017
This should be succinct and descriptive of the study
Give a brief reason for the study. Provide a clear statement of the aims of the study
Give a short description of the study population or specimen preparation, data collection and processing.
Important statistical results (such as confidence intervals, p values or correlation coefficients) should be included.
Make simple statements that are supported by the evidence shown in your results
Best Presentation Prizes
Prizes will be awarded at the closing session. A prize will be awarded for each of the below categories:
Best Oral Presentation – Scientific
Best Oral Presentation – Quality/Outcomes
Best Poster – Scientific
Best Poster – Quality/Outcomes
Abstract(s) submission
Responsibility for the accuracy of the abstracts and the agreement of co-authors with the content of the abstracts rests with the principal author.
- The presenting authors of successful abstracts need to register and pay to attend and present at the Conference.
- Successful abstracts will be published online in the Conference App
- All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the ANZSCoS 2017 ASM Scientific Program Committee whose decisions are final.
- Disclosure of any conflict of interest and sources of funding for research must be made by the authors of an abstract.
The presenter information can be updated at a later stage should your abstract be accepted.
To download the submission guidlines please click here
Submit an Abstract
If you have not yet submitted a presentation, please follow the steps to create a new account.
If you have any questions regarding your submission, please contact us on anzscos2017@dccam.com.au or +612 9954 4400.