2012 Annual Scientific Meeting

24-26 October 2012

Sofitel Melbourne on Collins - Melbourne, Victoria

Welcome MessageOrganising CommitteeVenue & Destination
Keynote SpeakersPre-conference WorkshopsProgram Overview
Fees and InformationOnline Submission
Submission DetailsOnline Submission

Program Details

Welcome Reception - Sofitel Melbourne on Collins, Melbourne Room

Date: Wednesday 24 October 2012
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Cost - Included in registration fee for full delegates and sponsors/exhibitors 
Additional tickets for partners/guests - $50 per person  


Gala Dinner - Sofitel Melbourne on Collins, LaTrobe Ballroom

With a prime city position at the top end of prestigious Collins Street, an exquisite Sofitel Melbourne On Collins immediately impresses through subtle luxuries, sophisticated elegance and a distinction for the finest service.

A delicious 3 Course Dinner will be served to guests using only the freshest ingredients, delivered with contemporary flair, accompanied by a selection of beverages. Entertainment will also be provided.

Date: Friday 26 October 2012
Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Cost: Included in registration fee for full delegates
Additional tickets for partners/guests - $100 per person 

For further information please contact the ANZSCoS 2012 Secretariat:

DC Conferences Pty Ltd

Suite 103, Lvl 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia  |  PO Box 637, North Sydney 2059  |  P 612 9954 4400   |   F 612 9954 0666   |   E anzscos2012@dccam.com.au