2012 Annual Scientific Meeting

24-26 October 2012

Sofitel Melbourne on Collins - Melbourne, Victoria

Welcome MessageOrganising CommitteeVenue & Destination
Keynote SpeakersPre-conference WorkshopsProgram Overview
Fees and InformationOnline Submission
Submission DetailsOnline Submission

Fees and Information





Full ANZSCOS (i.e. ISCoS) Member $875.00 $975.00
Full Registration Non-Member 

$975.00 $1050.00
Allied Health Staff/Nurses Full ANZSCoS Member $800.00 $900.00
Allied Health Staff/Nurses Non-ANZSCoS Member $875.00 $975.00

SCI Consumer Registration
+1 assistant if personal support
is required. 

$450.00 $550.00
Student Registration
$450.00 $550.00
Additional Trade Representative
*does not include gala dinner 
$550.00 $550.00

Day Registration for Thursday or Friday

$400.00 $400.00
Half Day Registration for Wednesday Only $200.00 $200.00



Registration Inclusions

Registration for Full Registrants, SCI Consumer and Students includes:
• Admission to all sessions
• Conference satchel
• Conferences program book,
• Attendance certificate
• Morning and afternoon teas, lunches on each day of the conference
• 1 ticket to the Welcome Reception 

• 1 ticket to the Gala Dinner



SCI Consumer Registration may bring 1 assistant if you require personal support. 

Cancellation Policy

If notification of cancellation is made in writing to the Secretariat prior to 25 September 2012, a full refund will be given (less a AU$110 processing fee). After this date no refund will be given, however a substitute delegate may be accepted. Cancellation of hotel bookings should also be made in writing through the Conference Secretariat.

There is no guarantee that cancellations will receive a refund as the hotel reserves the right to charge a fee equal to 1 night’s accommodation or the full duration of the stay on any rooms cancelled.

Payment Options
Payment can be made by personal cheque or bank draft in Australian dollars only. Cheques should be made payable to the ANZSCoS Conference. Alternatively, payment may be made via Mastercard or Visa. Payment can also be made by direct transfer, please quote delegate’s surname when transferring funds electronically.

Account name: ANZSCoS Conference 
BSB: 062 151 
Account number: 1031 8878

For further information please contact the ANZSCoS 2012 Secretariat:

DC Conferences Pty Ltd

Suite 103, Lvl 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia  |  PO Box 637, North Sydney 2059  |  P 612 9954 4400   |   F 612 9954 0666   |   E anzscos2012@dccam.com.au