Please click on the icons below to view abstracts for concurrent presentations.
Chronic Disease Nurse Practitioners Working in a Collaborative Model: Team Dynamics and Advantages | Mrs Maureen Barnes | |
The Leadership Role of a Nurse Practitioner in Rural Australia | Ms Frances Barraclough | |
What's in our (Red Centre) Backyard? | Ms Jeanette Berthelsen | |
What Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation Might Mean for Australian NPs | Mr Rob Bonner, Ms Elizabeth Fallas, Mrs Anne Moehead, Ms Stacey Palfreyman |
The Impact of the Acute Aged Care Nurse Practitioner a Model of Hospital Avoidance | Mrs Amy Bowen | |
The Role and Scope of Practice of Remote Nurse Practitioners in Canada, Greenland and the United Kingdom | Ms Karen Collas | |
Educating for Health Service Reform: Clinical Learning, governance, and capability (CLLEVER2) Workshop | Professor Anne Gardner | |
Developing a Trauma NP Role | Ms Rebecca Gardner | |
The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in the Privately Run Corrective Services Setting of a Remand Prison | Mr Matt Gibson | |
Paediatric Fractures - Not Just Little Adults | Ms Helen Gosby | |
An Analysis of Notifications About Nurse Practitioners in Australia in a Risk Based Approach to Regulation | Ms Petrina Halloran | |
Weaving A Web Of Clinical Care: Nurse Practitioners Managing Complex Chronic Conditions in Remote Australia | Mrs Michele Harvey | |
SASI - Is it a Way of Life? | Ms Tammy Harvey | |
Consensus Conference for NP Metaspecialties Workshop | Mr Christopher Helms | |
Making Sense of Eyes in ED | Dr Tim Henderson | |
Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner Model of Care Within the Primary Healthcare Team at Wolston Correctional Centre | Mrs Raquel How | |
Building Research Capacity in a Clinical Practice Setting: A Framework and Transferable Learning from Palliative Care | Ms Nikki Johnston | |
Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Improves Access to Palliative Care Medicines for Older Australians in Residential Care | Ms Nikki Johnston | |
Practical Regional Anaesthesia | Dr Jacob Koshy | |
The Remote Area Nurse Model Of Consultation | A/Professor Sue Lenthall | |
Using a Delphi Technique to Develop a Data Collection Tool to Capture Nurse Practitioner Workload | Mr Matthew Lutze | |
Negotiating the Ups and Downs of Endorsement as a Nurse Practitioner in Australia | Ms Lorna Maclellan | |
Promoting Advanced Nursing Practice to Optimise the Management Of Complex, Chronic Disease Patients | Mrs Fiona McLeod | |
The Challenge of Developing a New Nurse Practitioner Role in Primary Health Care in the NT | Mr Stuart Mobsby | |
Translating Learning into Practice: The Dementia Care Competency Framework | Mrs Anne Moehead | |
Breaking Down the Barriers Treating Telehealth Patients with Hepatitis C with Complex Therapies | Mrs Saroja Nazareth | |
Traditional Healing in Central Australia |
Ngangkaris and Members of the Uti Kulintjaku Team |
Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (MHNP) Bridging the Gap in Emergency Mental Health Provision in Regional Hospitals | Ms Adele Northwood | |
Nurse Practitioner (NP) / Rural and Isolated Practice Endorsed Nurse (RIPREN) Assessment and Collaborative Care Project (NPRACC): Interim Results | Ms Simone O’Brien | |
Decreasing Hospital Presentation and Supporting Palliative Care Patient Choice in Site of Death Using a Transboundary Nurse Practitioner Model | Ms Stacey Palfreyman | |
Service Delivery: Impact of the Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner Role on the Care of Hip Fracture Patients: Patient and Economic Outcomes | Ms Sharon Pickles | |
Standards and Clinical Guidelines for Hip Fractures Beginning in the Emergency Department and the Role of the Nurse Practitioner | Ms Sharon Pickles | |
Exploring the Patient Experience of Venous Access: Implications for Clinical Practice | Dr Melissa Robinson-Reilly | |
Rural Nurse Practitioner Telehealth Model: Improving Access to Metropolitan Specialist Services for Children with Diabetes | Mrs Barbie Sawyer | |
Management of Acute Dental Emergencies | Dr Meg Simmons | |
Why all Nurse Practitioners Need to Understand Anxiety | Ms Kerry Sims | |
Digital Nerve Blocks in the Emergency Department - Exploring the Evidence Surrounding Different Techniques, their Efficacy, and Patient Satisfaction | Mr Paul Smith | |
Wound Care Workshop | Mrs Terry Swanson | |
Organisational Support For Australian Nurse Practitioners: Potential Implications for Care and Outcomes | Ms Kathleen Tori | |
Medical Practitioner Perspectives of Australian Nurse Practitioner Practice | Ms Kathleen Tori | |
Writing for Publication Workshop |
Ms Kathleen Tori |
Casting and Splinting Masterclass: BSN Medical |
Mr Robert Vragovski |
Click here to view Conference program |