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11th Conference of the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners <br/> <span class=incorp>(incorporating NursePrac ED) </span>

11th Conference of the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners
(incorporating NursePrac ED) The Centre of CareTuesday 30 August - Friday 2 September 2016 | Alice Springs Convention Centre, Alice Springs

Conference Abstracts

Please click on the icons below to view abstracts for concurrent presentations.

Chronic Disease Nurse Practitioners Working in a Collaborative Model: Team Dynamics and Advantages  Mrs Maureen Barnes
The Leadership Role of a Nurse Practitioner in Rural Australia  Ms Frances Barraclough
What's in our (Red Centre) Backyard?  Ms Jeanette Berthelsen
What Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation Might Mean for Australian NPs  Mr Rob Bonner,
 Ms Elizabeth Fallas,
 Mrs Anne Moehead,
 Ms Stacey Palfreyman
The Impact of the Acute Aged Care Nurse Practitioner a Model of Hospital Avoidance  Mrs Amy Bowen
The Role and Scope of Practice of Remote Nurse Practitioners in Canada, Greenland and the United Kingdom  Ms Karen Collas
Educating for Health Service Reform: Clinical Learning, governance, and capability (CLLEVER2) Workshop  Professor Anne Gardner
Developing a Trauma NP Role  Ms Rebecca Gardner
The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in the Privately Run Corrective Services Setting of a Remand Prison  Mr Matt Gibson
Paediatric Fractures - Not Just Little Adults  Ms Helen Gosby
An Analysis of Notifications About Nurse Practitioners in Australia in a Risk Based Approach to Regulation  Ms Petrina Halloran
Weaving A Web Of Clinical Care: Nurse Practitioners Managing Complex Chronic Conditions in Remote Australia  Mrs Michele Harvey
SASI - Is it a Way of Life?  Ms Tammy Harvey
Consensus Conference for NP Metaspecialties Workshop  Mr Christopher Helms
Making Sense of Eyes in ED  Dr Tim Henderson
Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner Model of Care Within the Primary Healthcare Team at Wolston Correctional Centre  Mrs Raquel How
Building Research Capacity in a Clinical Practice Setting: A Framework and Transferable Learning from Palliative Care  Ms Nikki Johnston
Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Improves Access to Palliative Care Medicines for Older Australians in Residential Care  Ms Nikki Johnston
Practical Regional Anaesthesia  Dr Jacob Koshy
The Remote Area Nurse Model Of Consultation  A/Professor Sue Lenthall
Using a Delphi Technique to Develop a Data Collection Tool to Capture Nurse Practitioner Workload  Mr Matthew Lutze
Negotiating the Ups and Downs of Endorsement as a Nurse Practitioner in Australia  Ms Lorna Maclellan
Promoting Advanced Nursing Practice to Optimise the Management Of Complex, Chronic Disease Patients  Mrs Fiona McLeod
The Challenge of Developing a New Nurse Practitioner Role in Primary Health Care in the NT  Mr Stuart Mobsby
Translating Learning into Practice: The Dementia Care Competency Framework  Mrs Anne Moehead
Breaking Down the Barriers Treating Telehealth Patients with Hepatitis C with Complex Therapies  Mrs Saroja Nazareth
Traditional Healing in Central Australia

 Ngangkaris and Members of the Uti Kulintjaku Team

Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (MHNP) Bridging the Gap in Emergency Mental Health Provision in Regional Hospitals  Ms Adele Northwood
Nurse Practitioner (NP) / Rural and Isolated Practice Endorsed Nurse (RIPREN) Assessment and Collaborative Care Project (NPRACC): Interim Results  Ms Simone O’Brien
Decreasing Hospital Presentation and Supporting Palliative Care Patient Choice in Site of Death Using a Transboundary Nurse Practitioner Model  Ms Stacey Palfreyman
Service Delivery: Impact of the Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner Role on the Care of Hip Fracture Patients:  Patient and Economic Outcomes  Ms Sharon Pickles
Standards and Clinical Guidelines for Hip Fractures Beginning in the Emergency Department and the Role of the Nurse Practitioner  Ms Sharon Pickles
Exploring the Patient Experience of Venous Access: Implications for Clinical Practice  Dr Melissa Robinson-Reilly
Rural Nurse Practitioner Telehealth Model: Improving Access to Metropolitan Specialist Services for Children with Diabetes  Mrs Barbie Sawyer
Management of Acute Dental Emergencies  Dr Meg Simmons
Why all Nurse Practitioners Need to Understand Anxiety  Ms Kerry Sims
Digital Nerve Blocks in the Emergency Department - Exploring the Evidence Surrounding Different Techniques, their Efficacy, and Patient Satisfaction  Mr Paul Smith
Wound Care Workshop  Mrs Terry Swanson
Organisational Support For Australian Nurse Practitioners: Potential Implications for Care and Outcomes  Ms Kathleen Tori
Medical Practitioner Perspectives of Australian Nurse Practitioner Practice  Ms Kathleen Tori
Writing for Publication Workshop

 Ms Kathleen Tori

Casting and Splinting Masterclass: BSN Medical

 Mr Robert Vragovski

  Click here to view Conference program