Workshop or Topical Submission Guidelines


Nurse Practitioners are warmly invited to submit a workshop or topical session and contribute to the ACNP 2014 Conference Program. 

The ACNP conference is an opportunity for new researchers / clinicians to present their findings and the conference organising committee is eager to assist in the development research and education for Nurse Practitioners.


Submissions must be original contributions and maybe related to:

  • Clinical practice / case studies / service delivery
  • Program Evaluation / Review of Resource Delivery / Quality Improvement Activity
  • Scientific

There will be clinical streams each day following the morning plenary sessions. The call for submissions is for the following topics and areas of practice only:

  • Acute Care and Emergency
  • Diagnostic evaluation
  • Ophthalmology best practice for eye injuries
  • Primary care, common presentations for NPs in a GP practice
  • The challenges in private practice
  • Cancer/ haematology
  • Wound management

The Topical Sessions / Workshops may be for 30 or 60 minutes and should involve the Chair and presenters as follows:

  • 30 minute presentation:  one presenter
  • 60 minute presentation:  a maximum of two or three presenters from difference Centres (if two presenters they are to speak for 30 minutes each including question time, if 3 presenters they are to speak for 20 minutes each including question time).

In each case the nominated Chair of the session will be responsible for submitting all material and for all correspondence with the Conference Secretariat.


Colleagues and mentors are available to assist with your submission should you require help in:

  • How to introduce your work
  • How your innovative clinical practice / Quality Improvement activity links with best-practice guidelines
  • How to conclude

If a research topic:

  • What data to include
  • How to best present data or topic
  • How to link your research to clinical practice

Please feel free to contact the Conference Secretariat should you require this assistance. 


  • Submit your workshop or topical session on line.  Only online submissions will be accepted.
  • The nominated Chair of the workshop/topical session will be responsible for collating and submitting all material for the workshop/topical session and for all communication with the Conference Secretariat
  • Workshop/topical sessions will be allocated 30 or 60 minuteswithin the conference program and should involve the Chair and presenters as follows:
    • 30 minute presentation:  one presenter
    • 60 minute presentation:  a maximum of two or three presenters from difference Centres (if two presenters they are to speak for 30 minutes each including question time, if 3 presenters they are to speak for 20 minutes each including question time).
  • The Chair complete the application form on-line and will nominate the speakers and the titles for each presentation in the session, giving names, contact details and short biographies of all presenters in the session
  • The Chair is responsible for coordinating all presenters in the session and integrating the presentations
  • The Chair’s submission must be accompanied by a Workshop/Topical Session summary, which will include: 

-  Discussion of session content

-  Target audience

-  4 key learning objectives

  • The summary should be a maximum of 300 words (please note that individual abstracts from presenters are not required) 
  • Workshop/Topical Sessions that include speakers from varied institutions will be given preference over submissions that include speakers from a single institution
  • The Conference Chair and the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners Conference Committee will be responsible for reviewing the applications for Workshop/Topical Sessions 


The deadline for Topical and Workshop Submissions is Friday 4 April 2014. Notification of acceptance or otherwise will be made in May 2014.  

All presenters and chairs must register for a minimum of one day of the conference by the Early Bird Deadline 11 July 2014, or the Workshop/Topical Session will be withdrawn from the program

There is no funding for submitted workshops/topical sessions. If this policy precludes your session being accepted for the program please contact the Secretariat.

If you have any questions please contact the Conference Secretariat.  

Email:  Tel:  02 9954 4400

To view the above Workshop or Topical Submission Guidelines as a PDF document please click here.

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